Universal access to education and health care are critical for every society's growth. No country has ever gained developed status without meeting these two criteria. All industrialized countries have provided universal education and comprehensive health care to their residents.
Despite advances in areas such as information technology, our country lags far behind in terms of providing adequate health care infrastructure to the vast majority of our sick people.
Our cross-cultural atmosphere, cutting-edge therapy, and high-quality healthcare at an accessible price are just a few of the many reasons why patients from all over the globe choose to come to us.
Ambulance is a critical component of our emergency services. Our ambulance fleet, which includes monitors and oxygen supplies, assists the department in effectively serving the needy. Every ambulance has enough personnel to care for patients while they are being transported. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Book ambulances and avail our services through the Triveni Hospital app or the website at reasonable prices. We offer 24X7 service at your convenience with real-time tracking of transport status.
Easy navigation through our intuitive app and a response time of under 20 minutes. Access a large variety of ambulances through our platform and choose one to suit your needs.
Avail our services immediately or schedule medical transport and assistance for a later date with a return booking option.
Our standard ambulances are equipped with Hydraulic stretchers, slide stretchers, oxygen cylinders, seats for passengers and a fully equipped first aid kid.
Ambulance Visibility and real-time tracking
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